There are 3 methods in fetching the data from HR database tables .
1. Using Select Statements .
This is the simple method for the selection of data from the hr tables(pannnn). in the HR data time is the major component , in the where condition we should include the date parameters for fetching the data .see this example
REPORT ZHRTESTS. tables:pa0002 . data:begin of itab occurs 0, pernr like pa0002-pernr, begda like pa0002-begda, endda like pa0002-endda, vorna like pa0002-vorna, nachn like pa0002-nachn, end of itab . select-options:s_pernr for pa0002-pernr , s_date for sy-datum. start-of-selection . select pernr begda endda vorna nachn from pa0002 into table itab where pernr in s_pernr and begda le s_date-high and endda ge s_date-low. if not itab[] is initial. loop at itab . write:/ itab-pernr, itab-begda, itab-endda, itab-vorna, itab-nachn . endloop. endif.
2. Using Different Function Modules.
(i). Function Module HR_READ_INFOTYPE
This function module is used for fetching the data from Personnel Administration and Time management info types . This is used to get a single PERNR from the Info type .see the below example....
REPORT ZHRTESTS. tables:pa0002 . data: itab type p0002 occurs 0 with header line . select-options:s_pernr for pa0002-pernr no intervals no-extension, s_date for sy-datum. start-of-selection . CALL FUNCTION 'HR_READ_INFOTYPE' EXPORTING TCLAS = 'A' pernr = s_pernr-low infty = '0002' BEGDA = s_date-low ENDDA = s_date-high TABLES infty_tab = itab. if not itab[] is initial. loop at itab . write:/ itab-pernr, itab-begda, itab-endda, itab-vorna, itab-nachn . endloop. endif.
(ii) Function Module RH_READ_INTFY
This is used for the organization management info types. With this function module we can get the relations for the given object ( means we can get position for a pernr , organization for a position , organization for an organization....)
report ygetsupervisor. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * database tables used *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* tables:pa0001, hrp1001, pa0002. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * internal tables declaration *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* data: t1001 like p1001 occurs 0 with header line, t1002 like p1001 occurs 0 with header line, t1003 like p1001 occurs 0 with header line, t1004 like p1001 occurs 0 with header line, t0001 like p0001 occurs 0 with header line, it_pa0002 type pa0002 occurs 0 with header line. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * variable declaration *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* data: v_sobid1 like p1001-objid, v_sobid2 like p1001-objid, v_sobid3 like p1001-objid, v_pernr like pa0002-pernr. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * selection screen paramters *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* parameters:p_pernr like pa0001-pernr. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * start of selection *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* start-of-selection. call function 'RH_READ_INFTY' exporting plvar = '01' otype = 'P' objid = p_pernr infty = '1001' subty = 'B008' begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum tables innnn = t1001 . sort t1001 by begda descending . read table t1001 with key objid = p_pernr otype = 'P' rsign = 'B' relat = '008' sclas = 'S'. if sy-subrc = 0. v_sobid1 = t1001-sobid. call function 'RH_READ_INFTY' exporting plvar = '01' otype = 'S' objid = v_sobid1 infty = '1001' subty = 'A003' begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum tables innnn = t1002 . endif. sort t1002 by begda descending . read table t1002 with key objid = v_sobid1 otype = 'S' rsign = 'A' relat = '003' sclas = 'O'. if sy-subrc = 0. v_sobid2 = t1002-sobid. call function 'RH_READ_INFTY' exporting plvar = '01' otype = 'O' objid = v_sobid2 infty = '1001' subty = 'B012' begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum tables innnn = t1003 . endif. sort t1003 by objid. read table t1003 with key objid = v_sobid2 otype = 'O' rsign = 'B' relat = '012' sclas = 'S'. if sy-subrc = 0. v_sobid3 = t1003-sobid. call function 'RH_READ_INFTY' exporting plvar = '01' otype = 'S' objid = v_sobid3 infty = '1001' subty = 'A008' begda = sy-datum endda = sy-datum tables innnn = t1004 . endif. read table t1004 with key objid = v_sobid3 otype = 'S' rsign = 'A' relat = '008' sclas = 'P'. if sy-subrc = 0. v_pernr = t1004-sobid+0(8). select pernr vorna nachn cname from pa0002 into corresponding fields of table it_pa0002 where pernr = v_pernr. sort it_pa0002 by pernr begda. read table it_pa0002 index 1. if sy-subrc eq 0. write:/ it_pa0002-pernr,it_pa0002-vorna,it_pa0002-nachn,it_pa0002-cname. endif. endif.
(iii) Function Module RH_STRUC_GET
This is used to get the higher organization unit for the given personnel no. this is easier way for getting the highest org unit for a given pesonnel no or for a given org.unit ..
REPORT ZHRTESTS. PARAMETERS:P_OBJID TYPE OBJID. DATA:RESULT_OBJEC TYPE OBJEC OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE , RESULT_OBJEC1 TYPE OBJEC OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE , V_OBJID1 TYPE OBJID . *---here we will get the organization unit for the given pesonnel number. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_STRUC_GET' EXPORTING act_otype = 'P' act_objid = p_objid act_wegid = 'P-S-O' " person-position-orgunit TABLES RESULT_OBJEC = RESULT_OBJEC. LOOP AT RESULT_OBJEC WHERE OTYPE = 'O'. *--- loop the orgunits only to get the higher orgunits V_OBJID1 = RESULT_OBJEC-OBJID. CALL FUNCTION 'RH_STRUC_GET' EXPORTING act_otype = 'O' act_objid = V_OBJID1 act_wegid = 'O-O' TABLES RESULT_OBJEC = RESULT_OBJEC1 . LOOP AT RESULT_OBJEC1. ENDLOOP. *----this is the highest orgunit for the Personnel number WRITE:/ RESULT_OBJEC1-OBJID. ENDLOOP.
3. Using Logical Databases (Macros).
Here i am using the PNP logical database for this example . And I am using the macros for getting the data from the databases .
REPORT ZHRTESTS. TABLES: PERNR. INFOTYPES: 0002. GET PERNR. *---get the first record for the pernr from the infotype RP_PROVIDE_FROM_FRST P0002 SPACE PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA . IF PNP-SW-FOUND eq 1. WRITE: / PERNR-PERNR, PN-BEGDA, PN-ENDDA, P0002-VORNA, P0002-NACHN, P0002-GBDAT. ENDIF. *---get the last record for the pernr from the infotype RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST P0002 SPACE PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA. IF PNP-SW-FOUND eq 1. WRITE: / PERNR-PERNR, PN-BEGDA, PN-ENDDA, P0002-VORNA, P0002-NACHN, P0002-GBDAT. ENDIF.
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