Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Infotype 0031 - refference Number

Enggak seperti infotype-infotype lainnya kita bisa liat data yang tersimpan di table lewat se11 atau se16, tapi untuk infotype 0031 gak bisa.

Nah ini jawabannya. ( diambil dari link ini

As background information I'd like to tell you that since release 4.6C apparently SAP do not use the table PA0031 anymore. The data model for the reference numbers was very poor and not absolutely stable. Therefore a new object called 'central person' has been intro- duced.This object does not carry any information than the relationships to the related employees.

For each person we store an Object (Object type 'CP') and relate the employee contracts (Object type 'P') to the Object (Infotype 1001). The Infotype 0031 can still be used but we do not store this infotype physically in table PA0031 any more. If you check the PA0031 on DB for your pernr you will see no entry. In normal circumstances, the central person is automatically created for each new employee. However, the central persons and links for the ……

To delete CP objects, use the standard program RHRHDL00 - Delete Data Records from Personnel Planning Database. If you are migrating from a release below 4.6C you have to create the CP using the report RPU46CX_CENTRAL_PERSON_ONLINE - XPRA: Conversion of Reference Personnel Numbers.

Nah untuk lihat isi infotype 0031 bisa lewat t code -> Run this T.Code for Reference Personnel Number : S_AHR_61016358
Atau ada function -> HR_READ_0031_DB to retrieve the data you require.

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