Tuesday, January 18, 2022

SAP Send attachment Password-PDF ( PDF with password protection using ABAP SAP )

SAP Sending attachment Password-PDF

Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara mengirim PDF yang terproteksi password dikirim sebagai attachment ?, skenarionya begini, saya akan membuat payslip sebagai PDF yang dipassword yang akan dikirim sebagai attachment ke pada karyawan.

specifikasi SAP yang gunakan masih yang versi SAP 4.6c yang berjalan di server dengan OS HP-UX.

Persiapan sebelumnya kamu harus download aplikasi 3th-party untuk meng-encrypt PDF supaya di password dengan menggunakan aplikasi gostscript yang dapat di download -> http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/PostScript/ghostscript-9.14.1/ 

1. download ghostscript beserta semua depedencies nya kemudian install di server 

2. jalankan tcode SM69 untuk menjalankan external command ghostscript

3. buat folder di server /tmp/sap    check melalui tcode AL11

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Laravel - Scrapping Data Saham dari yahoo finance ( sadap data saham dari yahoo finance )

 Laravel - Scrapping Data Saham dari yahoo finance ( sadap data saham dari yahoo finance )

Program kecil untuk me-nyadap data ( scrapping ) saham dari yahoo finance dari framework laravel. saya anggap anda sudah pemula di laravel. 

refeerensi dari :

  • https://guzzle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
  • https://vegibit.com/php-simple-html-dom-parser-vs-friendsofphp-goutte/
  • https://goutte.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

1. Create Project baru di Laravel, setting config, database dll harus sudah di lakukan. jangan lupa meletakan simple_html_dom.php dan scrape_http.php di folder helpers

2. Buat Route sbb:

Route::get('general/runyahoo/{psymbol?}/{pfrom?}', [GeneralController::class, 'runyahoo'])->name('runyahoo');

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Vb.Net How to create form skin

Vb.Net How to create form skin

Bagaimana membuat form terlihat cantik seperti ini ? dengan cara membuat sendiri form skin untuk program yang kita buat yang akan mempercantik aplikasi yang kita buat dengan VB.NET.

Kita mulai yuk...

Friday, June 19, 2015

How can I get Payroll results when I run the Payroll in Simulation mode

SAP - How can I get Payroll results when I run the Payroll in Simulation mode

Follow this link ->  http://scn.sap.com/thread/1830478 but it's for Canada Payroll

i'v modified for indonesia payroll below.

1. Include in main program

Monday, June 15, 2015

VB.NET - Datagridview image and text in one cell

VB.NET - Datagridview image and text in one cell
How to icon or image in one cell datagridview ?
Step 1 : Create Column "Change"
'Set Column name
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qsymbol", "Symbol")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qdate", "Date")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qopen", "Open")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qhigh", "High")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qlow", "Low")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qclose", "Close")
Datagridview1.Columns.Add("qvolume", "Volume")

ABAP - Function to Upload Huge/Big Excel file Using alsm_excel_to_internal_table

ABAP - Function to Upload Huge/Big Excel file Using alsm_excel_to_internal_table
reference link : *
* source http://zevolving.com/2013/04/abap-upload-excel-file-using-alsm_excel_to_internal_table/
* http://scn.sap.com/thread/1436772
Step: 1 -  Declare Internal Table ( See zuplbpjs_top.  )
REPORT zuplbpjs MESSAGE-ID zhrmsg.
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_top.    "Data Declaration
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_sel.    "Selection Screen
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_xls.    "Upload Excel Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_alv.    "Alv Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_msg.    "Show Message Function
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_f01.    "Process Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_main.   "Main Include

ABAP - Function ALV with Dynamic Catalog Fields Internal Table

ABAP - Function ALV with Dynamic Catalog Fields Internal Table
This code is to view internal table in ALV with dynamic internal table fields.
 Step 1 : Create Main program
REPORT zuplbpjs MESSAGE-ID zhrmsg.
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_top.    "Data Declaration
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_sel.    "Selection Screen
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_xls.    "Upload Excel Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_alv.    "Alv Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_msg.    "Show Message Function
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_f01.    "Process Functions
INCLUDE zuplbpjs_main.   "Main Include

ABAP - Sample Program Function to Download Data to Excel

ABAP - Sample Program Function to Download Data to Excel
Step 1 : Create Report program
INCLUDE zhrictr_top.    "Data Declaration
INCLUDE zhrictr_sel.    "Selection Screen
INCLUDE zhrictr_f01.    "Common Fuction Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_f02.    "Report Function Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_alv.    "Display ALV Functions Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_xls.    "Download XLS Functions Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_mai.    "Main Include
Step 3 : Create Include zhrictr_top
*   INCLUDE ZHRICTR_TOP                                                *

ABAP - My Common Function SAP HR

ABAP - My Common Function SAP HR
Step 1 : Put in Main program as Include
REPORT zhrictr MESSAGE-ID zhrmsg.
INCLUDE zhrictr_top.    "Data Declaration
INCLUDE zhrictr_sel.    "Selection Screen
INCLUDE zhrictr_f01.    "Common Fuction Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_f02.    "Report Function Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_alv.    "Display ALV Functions Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_xls.    "Download XLS Functions Include
INCLUDE zhrictr_mai.    "Main Include

ABAP - BPJS Kesehatan Premium Calculation Report

ABAP - BPJS Kesehatan Premium Calculation Report
Modified from SAP NOTE 2107672 BPJS Kesehatan Premium Calculation Report for SAP release 4.6D
Step 1 : Create Report ZHIDCHCR0
*& Report HIDCHCR0
*& Indonesia BPJS Health Care Report
INCLUDE zhidchcr0_top. "Data Declaration
INCLUDE zpy_simulation.      "Payroll Simulation
INCLUDE zhr_gen_excel_ver1.  "Excel function
INCLUDE zhidcbmr0_alv.       "Popup ALV
INCLUDE zhidchcr0_sel. "Selection Screen
INCLUDE zhidchcr0_f01. "Main Functions
INCLUDE zhidchcr0_f02. "Other Functions
INCLUDE zhidchcr0_mai. "Main Include
Step 2 : Create Include programs ( See Below for details )

Step 3 : Create Excel Template and put it in tcode OAOR
That's it....